ThuLocated about 12 minutes’ drive from Rakiraki town, Taitaya Primary School caters for 65 school students across 8 grades. The students come from the neighbouring informal settlements of Tuvavatu and Mulau.
Tataiya is 1 of 11 schools that Habitat for Humanity Fiji is assisting in the province of Ra. Thus, the 11 schools were identified by UNICEF and Fiji’s Ministry of Education due to water scarcity in their respective locations. Including, their vulnerability to issues around water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).
Work conducted in Tataiya by Habitat for Humanity Fiji includes:
Borehole Upgrade
This included creating a super structure for the borehole piping. Including, a strong shelter to cover and protect the borehole.

Water tanks installation

Habitat for Humanity Fiji has installed 2 x 5 thousand litre water tanks. In addition, a 10 thousand litre water tank along with the necessary fixtures for rainwater harvesting and strong cement bases.
During natural disasters, Tataiya Primary School (like many schools in Fiji) serves as an evacuation centre for vulnerable households. Accordingly, these water tanks will also be catering for the neighbouring communities.
Menstrual Hygiene Management Block – currently under construction.
Creating Menstrual Hygiene Management Blocks is a new initiative for Habitat for Humanity Fiji team. Tataiya is 1 of 6 schools where MHM blocks are being piloted. MHM Blocks will serve as a place for female students to clean themselves. Consequently, if they should they have their first period in school unexpectedly. The blocks will be fitted with a shower and change space.

New pans and cisterns – work to come.
Habitat for Humanity Fiji have future plans to fix and replace Tataiya Primary School’s toilet pans and cisterns.
Want to help?
Habitat for Humanity Fiji is always looking for volunteers or contributions to help carry out this type of work. In short, if you’re keen to come and get your hands dirty, then visit our volunteer’s page. Additionally, if you’d like to make a financial contribution then check out our donations page. Donations of any size will make a difference.