habitat for humanity fiji

Our Vision

So that everyone in Fiji has a decent place to live.

Our Mission

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity Fiji truly brings people together above all to build homes, communities and hope.


We especially need your help now more than ever.

Because we are doing more! Thus, to do this effectively we need volunteer help all year round. Consequently, you can pick up a hammer or a paint brush and have the experience of a life-time. In fact, you could be building alongside the families that need your help directly, that will end up living in the homes you build.

Our Projects

We continuously strive to match technologies, materials and methods of assistance with the needs of the most vulnerable in practicality, cost and social acceptability.

The map highlights key project areas within Fiji. Interact with the map for a project brief or click on the link below for more project details.


Working together with communities to design and implement inclusive Shelter and WaSH projects is key to our success — As well as ensuring that our activities specifically meet the needs of the people they are aimed at serving.

Furthermore, these photos highlight some WaSH projects around the world dedicated to putting people at the centre.

#HabitatFiji #WaSHworks #DevexSeries #SDG6