Solar Water Disinfection or SODIS sounds very scientific but it’s something anybody can do. It’s putting water into a closed or sealed plastic water bottle or container and sticking it in the sun for 6 hours. This can kill up to 99.999% of the bacteria in it. For Kese Village in the Yasawa group of islands, Solar Water Disinfection is now commonly practised to ensure their water is as safe as possible for drinking.

Source: LUZI and MEIERHOFER n.y. (Fundacion SODIS and EAWAG/SANDEC)

Lewatu of Kese Village says that they normally sun out all drinking water for 6 hours. During overcast and rainy periods they boil all drinking water.

Training around Solar Water Disinfection is carried out by a Habitat Fiji team during the second or third engagement with the community.

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